Members’ Statement: Tribute to OPP Officer Steven Tourangeau

Mr. Speaker, today I have a very sad statement. Today, I’m paying tribute to deceased OPP officer Steven Tourangeau who was killed in an automobile accident this week. Steven Tourangeau was a native of Essex county. He entered law enforcement and last held the rank of detective constable with the Huron County OPP. He was 35. He is survived by his wife, Danikah, and his three sons, Everett, Luke and Drew.

My wife Jackie and Steven were first cousins. Steven’s mother and my wife’s mother are sisters. And I know this family very well. Steven’s father, Marcel Tourangeau, is a loving Pépé with a big heart. Steven’s mother, Kathy Tourangeau, is a dedicated Mémé with a heart of gold. They are good people, beautiful people, and this is a tragic loss.

Today, my heart goes out to the family and to all the grieving parents who have lost a child before their time.